
What a captivating book!

Radek Ziemniewicz

Radek Ziemniewicz

This is the first book I've read in English, and I couldn't stop reading it. Usually, it was easy to take a break when I couldn't understand a plot without checking certain words in a dictionary. This time, I didn't need it.

Texts with images - What a captivating book! - Radek Ziemniewicz
What a captivating book! - Radek Ziemniewicz

I think I've read some of Harlan Coben's books in Polish before. Perhaps that's why I decided to buy "I Will Find You" when I was just about to catch my coach on my way home. I don't regret it.

Firstly, being innocently sentenced is probably a big fear for everyone. We know the system is imperfect, and that's a polite way of describing reality. This aspect of the idea for a book reminds me of "The Process," one of my favourite books.

Harlan Coben knows how to keep us in suspense. When I started reading it, and the main character, David, was in prison, I expected the story would be based on this. I was so wrong! It has new strong characters, dynamic plot twists, surprises, and mysteries; it's a roller coaster!

The author of this book touches on a lot of important topics. One of them is the problem of amazingly rich people who can buy everyone and everything. But this situation is not hopeless. I won't go into any details not to spoil this story.

I enjoyed every moment of reading this book. I wanted the main character to discover the truth. I was his biggest fan and couldn't wait for the whole story. I highly recommend this book.

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